Inner dance: intuitive dance sessions
Explore the language of the body through intuitive, natural, authentic movements and dance
"It began in mystery, and it will end in mystery, but what a savage and beautiful country lies in between." (Diane Ackerman)
These dance sessions are an exploration of the play between our conscious and unconscious, a play that is projected inwards and outwards which shape the experience of who think/feel we are and ultimately what we perceive as "reality".
It is a space where we give a voice to our hidden, non-expressed experiences without needing to understand or comprehend, we explore the mysterious language of the body and the inner dance that is always present within us.
Each of us have the innate desire to be/feel free and express ourselves in our own unique, authentic way and we all have different conscious but mostly unconscious motivations and drives to be who we are. However, along Life's journey, we may somehow strayed away from our own truth.
Non-verbal and creative types of expression such as dance and movement help us to intuitively connect to our essence and express ourselves in a way we can not verbally. As we start to move and dance by being present to how/what we feel at a given moment, we start to trust our body, we slowly discover our inner most desires, fears, hopes that are connected to unknown/hidden/repressed primeval and instinctive forces.
It is a session where we can open doors of possibilities to wander and perhaps perceive some aspect of ourselves, beyond the concepts of the mind and knowing.
It is an invitation to connect to our Life force and creative imagination and in that space, we also meet who we perceive as "others".
It is a natural longing for human beings to connect to others through movement /dance to feel and be part of a community/group where we share common human, meaningful values.
Each week will have a specific theme, all of which will be connected to the exploration of the invisible or little explored or unexpressed emotions and feelings
Who is it for?
Anyone interested in being themselves in natural environment and/or experiencing, exploring themselves through movement/dance, connected to our breath. Dance and movement allow us to feel, sense, notice and express our inner emotions and state of being, conscious as well as unconscious which facilitate the connection to oneself and others beyond the limitations of the mind. The seat of pure creativity lies in the unconscious, exploring this infinite realm will help with connecting to the power of creativity and imagination.
It is paramount to understand that these sessions may affect you on every level : spiritual, physical, emotional and psychological and hidden/unexplored emotions may rise from it. Therefore, self-awarenessand knowing your own boundaries are important.
Structure of each session
10/15 minutes gathering in circle where the intention and the theme of the dance session will be explored briefly through words. While words are not often necessary, voicing by giving a form to our thoughts can enhance and set a particular motion in alignment with an intention.
1hour dancing, mix of guided and free exploration, alone or with others.
10/15min to rest quietly and let the experience of the movement/dance settle in. Sharing in circle if we feel inclined to.