Exploring the rich inner landscape through the lenses of Shamanism, Buddhism, Daoism and Christianism as well as quantum mechanics

I was born in a part of the world heavily influenced by Buddhism, from a long lineage of a family of shamans, I was then raised in a Christian home in my new adoptive country. I travelled to and lived in different countries in search of myself trying to understand who I was
and why I came to experience traumatic and chaotic circumstances.
As an adult, I returned to my native country where I reconnected with my past.
During this deep and unknown exploration, I discovered my personal story which was completely different from what I had known.
In 2014, after a transformative spiritual connection with my deceased Korean mother, I dived into the world of shamanism. I discovered that I came from a long lineage of women shamans. This inward journey transported me to explore the landscape of my own personal unconscious memory as well as the ancestral, universal memory.
Along with this re-connection to the Ancestors, came the inspiration for art, painting, dancing as well as remembering all my dreams. I soon realized that both painting and dancing were insightful and meaningful tools to capture and express my inner world, dreams and spirits. They also nurtured my profound connection to the realms of Gods, Spirits, Beings of other realms through a play of forms, colours, curves, light and shadow, movement and stillness, chaos and silence, symbols and dream-lived experiences.
Creative imagination such as dreams, dancing, singing, sounding are an integral part of my life which have a direct influence on the paintings I create. My paintings are the tangible traces of the internal explorations into the memory beyond this reincarnation.
With a spark of immense curiosity and a sense of wonder, I explore the vast possibilities of what it means to be a human being with all its inherent limitations as well as its immense potential. I allow my deep connection to the mysteries of Creation to remember the meaning of being alive and to honour this precious, frigile yet powerful gift of being human dancing through fields of possibilities.